
Iconic News - Ionic 6 Mobile App for Wordpress, Angular 13, Sass, AdMob, OneSignal

Thank you for purchasing iconic News App template! We’re glad that you found what you were looking for. It is our goal that you are always happy with what you bought from us, and We hope that you will be able to create an outstanding APP with our app template easily. With Iconic News, you will be able to build app for both iOS and Android, all from one codebase.

Before proceeding with the APP installation, It is recommended that you follow the steps listed below. We have covered all kinds of necessary information, and provide you with all the guidelines and details that you will need to use iconic news app template. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, We encourage you to reach us through our Support portal. We'll be glad to help you out in your queries. Please mail us at


Follow the steps below to setup your app template:

  • Unzip the downloaded package and open the /iconic-news folder to find all the layout and component files. You will need to replace SRC files to your ionic project in order to use it on your app.
  • Below is the folder structure and needs to be added to your app root directory:
    • src

      Includes all assets and code files, used in app

      • app

        Includes all page files, used in app

        • bookmark - Display all post saved by the user
        • category - Display all categories
        • category-post - Display all the post related to the perticular category
        • home-pages

          Includes all the home page design, used in app

          • home
          • home1
          • home2
          • home3
        • intro

          Includes intro page design or code, used in app

        • post-detail-pages

          Includes all the post detail page design, used in app

          • post-detail
          • post-detail1
          • post-detail2
          • post-detail3
          • post-detail4
        • posts - Display all post or article
        • search

          Display the Search result

        • settings

          All the settings and external linked used in this app

        • tabs

          Includes all tabs design, used in theme

      • assets

        Includes all images or strings, used in app.

        • i18n - Includes all string, used in app.
        • intro - Includes intro image, used in intro page of the app.
      • components

        Includes all the component, used in app

        • ads - Custom ads is control by this component
        • category - Include all the design of category
        • header - Include all the design of header
        • post-card - Include all the design of postcard
        • post-slider - Include all the design of slider
      • providers

        Global setting of the app

        • config

          Includes controls of the app design

      • theme

        Includes all variable used in the app

  • You should upload all or specific page files as per your need.
  • You're now good to go..! Start customization and generate your beautiful brand new app for your awesome users.

Setup Iconic News

How to setup Iconic News app

  • 1. First download node.js - Click here to download

    • Windows users, you may look to this video on how to install Node.js
    • For Ubuntu users, you may look to this video on how to install Node.js
    • For Mac OS X users, you may look to this video on how to install Node.js

  • 2. Open the terminal and run next command “npm install -g @ionic/cli”

    Start for Windows

    1. Extract your downloaded file
    2. Open extracted folder and go to source-code/iconic-news folder
    3. Open terminal with current location
    4. In the terminal write “npm install”
    5. In the terminal write “ionic serve”

    Start for Mac OS

    1. Extract your downloaded file
    2. Open extracted folder and go to source-code/iconic-news folder
    3. Open terminal with current location
    4. In the terminal write “sudo npm install”
    5. In the terminal write “sudo ionic serve”
    For more detail click here

Please watch the video: How to setup Iconic News app

How to set default design or style in our app

Add default value to config.service.ts - path (NameOurApp/src/provider/config.service.ts)

How to add your website:
* Site Url
public url: string = 'https://your-site-url/';

How to set default theme light or dark:
* Set theme mode
* @default light
* @option string { light, dark }
public themeMode: string = 'light';

How to set default theme color:
* Set theme color
* @default black
* @option string { black, yellow, red, pink, green, blue }
public themeColor: string = 'black';

Debugging or Production: (Also enable or disable Widget or customization button)
* App in debugging or production
* @default true
* @option boolean { true, false }
public appInProduction: boolean = false;

Enable or disable RTL:
* Set app direction
* @default ltr
* @option string { rtl, ltr }
public defaultAppDirection: string = 'ltr';

How to set default home page design:
* Set home page
* @default 0
* @option number { 0, 1, 2, 3 }
public homePage: number = 0;

How to set default intro design:
* Set intro page
* @default 2
* @option number { 1, 2 }
public introPage: number = 2;

How to set default post detail page design
* Set post detail page
* @default 0
* @option number { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }
public postDetailPage: number = 0;

How to set default category style
* Set category style
* @default list
* @option string { list, thumbnailsIcon, thumbnailsImage }
public categoryStyle: string = 'list';

How to set default tab style
* Set tab style
* @default 1
* @option number { 1, 2, 3, 4 }
public tabStyle: number = 1;

How to set default post card style
* Set post card style
* @default 1
* @option number { 1, 2, 3, 4 }
public postStyle: number = 1;

How to set default featured and related post slider style
* Set featured and related post slider style
* @default 1
* @option number { 1, 2 }
public postSliderStyle: number = 1;

How to add ios Admob Banner
* Set iosAdmobBannerId for ads
* @platform ios
* @value string
public iosAdmobBannerId: string = 'your-ios-admob-banner-id';

How to add android Admob Banner
* Set androidAdmobBannerId for ads
* @platform android
* @value string
public androidAdmobBannerId: string = 'your-android-admob-banner-id';

How to add one signal app Id for push notification
* Set oneSignalAppId for push notification
* @value string
public oneSignalAppId = 'your-one-signal-app-id';

How to add firebase console project id for push notification
* Set googleProjectId for push notification
* @value string
public googleProjectId = 'your-google-project-id';

Please watch the video: How to set default design or style in our app

How to install WP REST API

How to install OneSignal

Download plugin OneSignal – Web Push Notifications

How to install plugin OneSignal – Web Push Notifications

Active the OneSignal plugin from your WordPress settings dashboard.

Please watch the video: How to integrate OneSignal in Ionic

How to create slider with featured post

1. Create category with name "featured"

2. Open post

3. Select category "featured"

4. Update / Publish

How to intregate Admob in Ionic

Android configuration
In file android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml, add the following XML elements under: <manifest><application>

In file android/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml add the following lines :
<string name="admob_app_id"> [APP_ID] </string>
Don't forget to replace [APP_ID] by your AdMob application Id.

IOS configuration
Add the following in the ios/App/App/info.plist file inside of the outermost: <dict>
<key> GADIsAdManagerApp </key>
<key> GADApplicationIdentifier </key>
<string> [APP_ID] </string>
<key> SKAdNetworkItems </key>
    <key> SKAdNetworkIdentifier </key>
    <string> cstr6suwn9.skadnetwork </string>
<key> NSUserTrackingUsageDescription </key>
<string> [Why you use NSUserTracking. ex: This identifier will be used to deliver personalized ads to you.] </string> 
Don't forget to replace [APP_ID] by your AdMob application Id.

How to add image in post category

Video instructions

For video instructions Click here

Source & Credits

We would really love to take this opportunity to appreciate guys whose items were helpful to us to make iconic a really beautiful theme for our awesome users:

A big thanks to these guys!

Version 1.0.0 - Initial Release

Released on 13 Feb 2022


We've tried to make this documentation as easy and understandable as possible. However, in case of any difficulties with the Iconic news template app, you can contact our technical support department with any suggestions regarding documentation and app template improvement.

Included in Support:
  • Answers to questions regarding app template.
  • Providing regular updates depending on your needs and feedbacks.
Not Included in Support:
  • Customization of app template.
  • Specific support for third party plugins integrated in app template.

Your read it entirely. Thanks!